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Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale
Parco dei Boschi di Carrega
Home » Protected Areas » Parco dei Boschi di Carrega » Living the Park » Walking in the Park

Alice's Path - Stage 6

On foot Accessible Trail         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Wildlife 

The Alice's Path continues into the forest. The rope to follow is on your right. In the forest you come across trees of different species: oaks with wrinkled bark and ash trees with smooth bark. When you find a knot on the rope, you can follow a smaller rope that leads to elements of the forest: moss, trunks, branches, leaves, roots.
In the forest, be silent and stop to listen: you can hear bird songs or the barking of the roe deer, as well as the rustle of animals among the leaves.