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Acrobatic paths on the trees in Prato Spilla
Badger in the beech forest
The watchtower for birdwatching in Casarola
Female golden eagle in flight
Fresco of Walter Madoi in Sesta Inferiore di Corniglio
Board on Attilio Bertolucci
The ruins of the Rossi Castle in Bosco di Corniglio
Parish church of San Pietro
Cima BoccCima Bocchialini, on Monte Caio, offers a 360 ° viewhialini, sul Monte Caio, offre un poanorama a 360°
Small hamlets among pastures
The white-washed Apennine ridge, in the background
The Parma side of the ridge with the Martini Lake in the foreground
The Flysch outcrops of Mount Caio
The Apennine ridge in the upper Val Cedra with (on the right) the Tuscan side and (on the left) the Emiliano side
Lago Verde is at the core of a glacial cirque
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