Parchi del Ducato
Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale
Parco Fluviale del Trebbia
Home » Protected Areas » Parco Fluviale del Trebbia » Living the Park

Points of Interest

Points of interest

Along the way at the foot of the hill, the river Trebbia draws a landscape where the water - sometimes wild and unpredictable (during floods), and sometimes slow and imperceptible (during summer low water) - influences the environmental features of the Park and the way to visit it.
The Park lets the visitors discover its most hidden treasures, such as the rare animal species and flowers, and the most striking ones, such as the castles.

Point of Interest
Travo (PC)
Plentiful and spectacular growth of pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis)
Piacenza e Rottofreno (PC)
Rivergaro (PC)
Irrigation canals
Gossolengo (PC)
The river Trebbia near the Rivalta Castle
Gazzola (PC)
The river Trebbia
Rivergaro (PC)
River and riparian vegetation
Calendasco (PC)
Croara Woods
Gazzola (PC)
Gragnano Trebbiense (PC)
Little Egrets hunting in the dry holes
Piacenza (PC)
European Bee Eater towards its nest
Piacenza (PC)
Via dell'Arco gate
Rivergaro (PC)