Parchi del Ducato
Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale
Parco dei Cento Laghi
Home » Protected Areas » Parco dei Cento Laghi » Walking in the Park

Ridge Mount Navert - Mount Caio (737)

On foot         Great Interest: Geology Great Interest: Panorama 
  • Duration: from Passo della Colla (outward only) about 6 hours - from Schia (outward only) about 5 and a half hours
  • Difficulty Level: for hikers
  • Length: 16.5 km
  • Difference in height: from Passo della Colla to Schia: 834 m uphill, 1,063 m downhill – From Schia to Passo della Colla: 1,063 m uphill, 834 m downhill

Water presence: NO
Stop areas/equipment: equipped areas in Mount Caio and Schia (benches with tables, barbecue) AHotel-Restaurant, Sport items shop, Wellness center and chairlift in Schia.

Mount Navert
Mount Navert
(photo by Marco Rossi)